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2022-11-14 发表

美国学生从小就被鼓励多读书,几乎每个学校在寒暑假时都会给一个“reading list”(阅读清单)。这些书本包罗万象,可以帮助学生增长见识,发散思维,培养critical thinking skills(辩证性思考方式)。而这些能力和技能都是美国大学在招生时想要从学生身上看到的。

美国阅读教育公司Renaissance根据700万学生在阅读软件(Accelerated Reader)的追踪记录,覆盖26344所美国学校、2.5亿本书,发布了针对K-12学生的阅读调查报告,数据表明:美国高中生9-11年级平均阅读书籍数量在4.5-5.4本,平均阅读量在22万字左右




1、To Kill a Mockingbird《杀死一只知更鸟》

作者:Harper Lee

内容简介:Harper Lee’s first novel, which was published in 1960, tackles issues of racial and social injustice in the South. Set in Alabama, it introduces readers to Atticus Finch, a lawyer who defends a Black man accused of raping a white woman. The point-of-view comes from Atticcus’s daughter, Scout, while Boo Radley, their reclusive neighbor, adds another dimension to this classic story of racism and childhood. Lee’s work won her a Pulitzer Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Because of some racial language, the book has been challenged in many schools throughout America.





2、The Great Gatsby 《伟大的盖茨比》

作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald


内容简介:Nick Carraway, a Midwest transplant and Yale graduate, moves to West Egg, Long Island. Carraway enters a world of extravagance when he becomes entangled with millionaire Jay Gatsby and socialite Daisy Buchanan. The novel is viewed as a cautionary tale about achieving the American dream of wealth and excess.

推荐理由:《伟大的盖茨比》是美国作家F. Scott Fitzgerald 所写的一部以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的短篇小说,被誉为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,是美国文学中一部不朽的经典,也是美国高中文学课的必读书。

小说对20世纪20年代美国社会的阴暗面进行了深度的描绘:巨大的财富背后的腐化堕落,放荡,饮酒作乐, 婚外情,揭露了看似一片繁华的美国社会里暗藏的种种矛盾和危机,被誉为是美国梦颓废消极面的警世通言。


3、Of Mice and Men《人鼠之间》

 作者:John Steinbeck


内容简介:"Of Mice and Men" tells the story of George and his simple-minded friend, Lennie. The two have to get new jobs on a ranch because of some trouble in Lennie’s past. The novel, set during the Great Depression, tackles topics of poverty, sexism, and racism.


此书被搬上“百老汇”舞台,1938年被授予该年度“纽约戏剧评论奖” ;1941年被拍成电影。在英国普通中学教育证书考试中,90%的答案来自《人鼠之间》等三本书



 作者: George Orwell


内容简介:George Orwell describes a dystopian future rife with war and one where the government—led by Big Brother—controls the truth and snuffs out individual thought. The protagonist, Winston Smith, becomes disillusioned with the Party, and he rebels against it. Although it was published in 1949, the novel had a resurgence in 2017.




5、The Giver  《记忆传授人》

作者: Lois Lowry

内容简介:This 1993 young adult dystopian novel tells of a society that values similarity and not individuality. People are discouraged from being different and are given jobs that will best serve the community. Those who don’t like their role are "released," which means they are forced to leave society. One person is assigned the role of the Giver, and tasked with holding onto memories. Young Jonas becomes the new Giver. With his new memories, his awareness grows and he begins to question life. The movie adaptation of the book was released in 2014.




6、Brave New World  《美丽新世界》

作者: Aldous Huxley


内容简介:In "Brave New World," published in 1932, Aldous Huxley paints a picture of a dystopian future where people consume pills called soma to get a sense of instant bliss without side effects. Emotions, individuality, and lasting relationships aren’t allowed. A preordained class system is decided at the embryonic stage, with certain people getting hormones for peak mental and athletic fitness. Some historians believe the book’s plot could somewhat represent our actual future in the next 100 years.




7、A short history of nearly everything 《万物简史》

作者:Bill Bryson

内容简介:In the bestselling, prize-winning "A Short History of Nearly Everything", Bill Bryson achieved the seemingly impossible by making the world of science both understandable and entertaining to millions of people around the globe. Now, in this glorious new illustrated edition, everything that has happened from the Big Bang to the rise of civilization is even more vividly brought to life with stunning full-colour photographs, drawings, portraits, and cartoons.



8、The Odyssey《奥德赛》


内容简介:"The Odyssey," a Greek epic poem, follows Odysseus as he travels back to the island of Ithaca after fighting in the war at Troy—something addressed in Homer’s poem, "The Iliad." When he returns home, he and his son, Telemachus, kill all the men who are trying to marry Odysseus’s wife, Penelope. In the end, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, victory, and war, intervenes. Like many Greek myths, it focuses on themes of love, courage, and revenge.

